Ugly Exists!

Beauty is only external charm!

I know you wouldn’t settle with this if you aren’t so good-looking, according to the society.

Pause: What’s the society? Who is the society? Isn’t it us? Aren’t we the society? It’s high time we confront the stinging reality. The society is our very own reflection. We make up the society. So it’s just that we’re  ill minded people.

Resume : We all had that one person in our lives who chose your best friend or your sister (God forbid) over you for no reason; but there’s a reason ; you’re “ugly”.

Lets uncover the naked truth: ugly exists!

Don’t deny it. Most of the people with dusky skin tone, curly hair, buck tooth and poor physique were all thrown down at least once. A saying goes on this way: God made no one ugly. My friend, after reading this, asked me, “Who made you?” I was flabbergasted.

If there isn’t anyone ugly, then why does the word “ugly” even exist in the English dictionary? The definition of the word ugly in the English dictionary is: unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.

Don’t you wanna accept it, yet ? Then, why aren’t dirty and crumpled currency notes preferred? We might rather prefer taking a new and good-looking currency note, right? A slightly torn and dirty currency note holds the same value as a new one. Yet, we ask for an alternate note. Why? Because it’s “ugly.” We don’t see the internal value instead.

Gone are those days when crumpled dirty currency notes were accepted.

Do you know why any of these even happen? The only reason, I would say, is fear. You don’t accept the ugly notes, despite their value, only because of not being accepted, in the society (*cough*), us.

Now tell me, weren’t I right in saying, “Beauty is only external appearance?”

The word “ugly” exists in the English dictionary, only because the word “fear” exists. The so-tagged-ugly people by the society (us), must learn to accept their flaws rather than considering it a flaw. A friend of mine, very jovially told, “Kids acquire features from both parents; as in, good and bad features equally. On the other hand, you acquired all the bad features of your mom and dad. Only bad features.” Ah! Damn. That guy did these impish acts very frequently. Eventually, I got used to these taunts and began laughing at it, myself. And he, I must say, got pissed as I stopped whining.


People don’t get any kick/high if those taunts stop affecting you. They stop it out of no choice.  So, it’s all in accepting your own self.  If you start accepting yourself, you tend to accept every_body’s flaws. And, we are the society. Once the society starts accepting itself, it’ll accept everyone for whom they are.

Ugly exists! That’s the harsh reality. You gotta love yourself!

–Harini ♣

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