Fun fact: What is racism? White color IPhone costs more than the black!

Racism: The most underrated word,

The most overrated episode.

It isn’t any joke.

Our pain isn’t any fake.

I ain’t inferior to you!

The color of my skin,

Maybe isn’t akin

To that of yours.

The language I speak,

The accent I phonate,

The place I hail from,

Maybe isn’t something to brag-

About, but you don’t need to be a fag!

You ain’t superior to me!

Racism: I wouldn’t believe if anyone told that the most venomous racism trend would come to a screeching halt.

(Caution: Okay, now that you have read till this, you seriously need a stable/gutsy mind to put up with my thoughts and pull through this any further)

You all know the word “fair” fairly enough. This word is in itself an oxymoron. It has contradicting interests. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, fair means:

  1. treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination
  2. light skin tone


It isn’t fair enough to have the same word for just and complexion! Either of the meanings must be confiscated!

Why did it have to be the fairer one dominating the darker one? Why did someone even have to feel superior over others, inflicting pain?

(67% of the racists are white people)

It, of course, is a tittle-tattle that God created everyone beautiful. If Lord claims to have created everyone beautiful, then not one would call me ugly. They’re too ugly to call me ugly. Yes! God didn’t make ‘them’ beautiful.

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or  his background, or his religion. People learn to  hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”  — Nelson Mandela.

Racism, racism, racism!

The excessively toxic serum!

Stop being racist,

For racism to be blacked out!

-Abraham Joshua Heschel

– Harini ♥


Put up with me! I’m sorry if the posts off late are all buzzing around some social cause and not interesting anymore. My next post might fascinate you! Thank you for reading this. Good day ahead!

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